Results for 'A. S. Alexandrov †'

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  1. Bandettini, PA, 442 Bandura, A., 128,130,131,151,446.G. Abakoumkin, K. Acham, G. Agronick, G. K. Aguirre, M. Ainsworth, S. I. Alexandrov, D. C. Alsop, S. M. Andersen, P. K. Anokhin & C. Arce - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 471.
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    Is the multi-joint pointing movement model applicable to equilibrium control during upper trunk movements?Alexey Alexandrov, Alexander Frolov & Jean Massion - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):745-746.
    Two aspects of the target article, (1) the extension of the equilibrium point theory to multi-joint movements, and (2) the consequence that the EMG pattern is not directly controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), are discussed in light of the experiments on upper trunk bending in humans. The principle component kinematic analysis and the analysis of the EMG data, obtained under microgravity and additional loading conditions, support the application of Feldman and Levin's for multi-joint pointing movement to equilibrium control (...)
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    The other platonist beginning: Heidegger and neoplatonism.Emile Alexandrov - 2024 - Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing.
    This book founds an other Platonist beginning by repositioning Plato and Neoplatonism in Heidegger's history of metaphysics. This beginning begins with Plato and culminates in Heidegger. By revisiting Heidegger's interpretation of Plato and retrieving Neoplatonist approaches to non-discursive thinking, the other beginning that has hitherto remained dormant within the history of thought is established. The author re-thinks Heidegger's attribution of the collapse of truth (alētheia) to Plato by recovering the dialogues' deep topography, myths and inspired expression. The re-interpretation of Plato (...)
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    Перспектива существования метафизики и философии в XXI веке.Alexandrov Vladimir Ivanovich - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:109-116.
    The keynote idea of the theses is contained in the author’s assumption that modern philosophy doesn’t meet its claiming pretensions: to be universal form of knowledge. First of all philosophy is connected not with knowledge but with ideas and secondly being authentic it “exists only in everyday life”.1 In orderthat philosophy could realize its innate essence corresponding conditions of social being should exist but they are still absent and therefore philosophy is absent as well. Its place is occupied by metaphysics (...)
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    Ab ovo with song?S. N. Khayutin & L. I. Alexandrov - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):637-638.
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    Ab ovo with song!S. N. Khayutin & L. I. Alexandrov - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):350-351.
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    Sociocultural Influences on Moral Judgments: East–West, Male–Female, and Young–Old.Karina R. Arutyunova, Yuri I. Alexandrov & Marc D. Hauser - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:211309.
    Gender, age, and culturally specific beliefs are often considered relevant to observed variation in social interactions. At present, however, the scientific literature is mixed with respect to the significance of these factors in guiding moral judgments. In this study, we explore the role of each of these factors in moral judgment by presenting the results of a web-based study of Eastern (i.e., Russia) and Western (i.e., USA, UK, Canada) subjects, male and female, and young and old. Participants ( n = (...)
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    Bioethical considerations for algal biotechnology.Ivanina Vasileva, Juliana Ivanova & Svetoslav Alexandrov - 2019 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):1-5.
    In this manuscript we discuss different aspects and applications of algal biotechnology and how they are seen through the prism of bioethics. We review how algae have been considered to solve problems on Earth and to ease human suffering. We also take a look at the current state of the production of algal biomass and we offer our suggestions and considerations based on the fact that the biomass is an expensive product and yet its quality is very good.
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  9. Emotion and consciousness: Ends of a continuum.Yuri I. Alexandrov & Mikko E. Sams - 2005 - Cognitive Brain Research 25 (2):387-405.
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    School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model.Valeria Ivaniushina & Daniel Alexandrov - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:883750.
    AimUnderstanding interrelations between the factors predicting students’ aggressive behavior is a priority for bullying-prevention programs. Our study explores two possible mechanisms linking school disciplinary structure and students’ aggression. We test students’ moral disengagement and bullying by teachers as mediational pathways from school authoritative discipline to students’ aggressive behavior.MethodsWe used a regionally representative sample of 213 schools that participated in a school climate survey in Kaluga Oblast (a federal subject of Russia) in 2019. The analytical sample contained the anonymous responses of (...)
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  11. Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Diverse Applications in a Distributed Setting-Comparison of the Computational Cost of a Monte Carlo and Deterministic Algorithm for Computing Bilinear Forms of.Christian Weihrauch, Ivan Dimov, Simon Branford & Vassil Alexandrov - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 640-647.
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    Externalist perspectives on meaning change and conceptual stability.Anton Alexandrov - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (9-10):1023-1035.
    ABSTRACT In recent debates about conceptual engineering, it appears that the internalist has an explanatory advantage when it comes to accounting for meaning change and conceptual change. In this paper, I argue against this impression. I show how two different varieties of externalism, originalism and anti-individualism, can coherently explain various cases of meaning change, irrespective of whether they involve proper names or kind terms; and also irrespective of whether they occur in everyday, legal, or scientific contexts. I point out which (...)
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  13. Questioning Greece with Heidegger and Simone Weil, by Maria Villela-Petit.Emile Alexandrov - 2025 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion:1-5.
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    An investigation of synchrony in transport networks.Rex K. Kincaid, Natalia Alexandrov & Michael J. Holroyd - 2009 - Complexity 14 (4):34-43.
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    Crypto-preorders, topological relations, information and logic.Piero Pagliani - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):330-367.
    As is well known, any preorder R on a set U induces an Alexandrov topology on U. In some interesting cases related to data mining an Alexandrov topology can be transformed into different types of logico-algebraic models. In some cases, (pre)topological operators provided by Pointless Topology may define a topological space on U even if R is not a preorder. If this is the case, then we call R a crypto-preorder. The paper studies the conditions under which a (...)
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    Crypto-preorders, topological relations, information and logic.Piero Pagliani International Rough Set Society, Rome & Italy - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):330-367.
    As is well known, any preorder R on a set U induces an Alexandrov topology on U. In some interesting cases related to data mining an Alexandrov topology can be transformed into different types of logico-algebraic models. In some cases, (pre)topological operators provided by Pointless Topology may define a topological space on U even if R is not a preorder. If this is the case, then we call R a crypto-preorder. The paper studies the conditions under which a (...)
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  17. The climate emergency: Reality bites!Chris Abel - 2024 - Architectural Research Quarterly 27 (4):357-361.
    This updated essay expands on the author's analysis of the complex social and psychological reasons for the inadequate response to the climate emergency. Recent reports by climate scientists quoted in the article suggest that the pace of climate change has already reached the point of irreversibility, triggering multiple tipping points with catastrophic implications for the future of life on this planet. Yet climate change denial, which as the author explains, takes many forms itself, both aggressive and passive, remains common at (...)
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  18. Causes of the Financial Crisis.V. Acharya Viral & M. Richardson - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2).
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    Reflexive Modernization Temporalized.Barbara Adam - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):59-78.
    This article considers the relevance of time theory for Beck's theory of reflexive modernization and vice versa. It focuses in particular on discontinuity in the context of continuity, on decontextualization, naturalization and responsibility as key concerns of both perspectives on the industrial way of life. It makes explicit the temporal underpinnings of that cultural form with respect to five Cs: the creation of time to human design (C1), the commodification of time (C2), the compression of time (C3), the control of (...)
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    Not Between Models, But Above.Rachel Levit Ades - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):36-38.
    Julia Knopes’s (2025) article aims to explain how models of disability apply in the lives and experiences of people with lived mental health conditions who serve as peer support providers. However,...
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    Brain evolution: Part I.Elizabeth Adkins-Regan - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):12-13.
    Striedter's accessible concept-based book is strong on the macroevolution of brains and the developmental principles that underlie how brains evolve on that scale. In the absence of greater attention to microevolution, natural selection, and sexual selection, however, it is incomplete and not fully modern on the evolution side. Greater biological integration is needed.
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    The Moral Image of Therapy.Nicholas Agar - 2004 - In Liberal Eugenics: In Defence of Human Enhancement. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 64–87.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Biotechnological Solution to Disease Who Benefits from Gene Therapy? Are we Essentially Human Beings or Essentially Persons, and does it Matter? Genetic Influences, Environmental Influences and the Formation of Human Identities Interactionism's Implications for Identity The Scope of Therapy and the Notion of Disease Buchanan, Brock, Daniels and Wikler on Protecting Normal Functioning Therapy, Obligation and Procreative Liberty's Diminishment.
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  23. Murder Might Not Break the Law. [REVIEW]Craig K. Agule - 2024 - Criminal Justice Ethics 43 (3):304-317.
    Title 18 §2103 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes forbids me from insulting the Pennsylvania flag. Title 42 §5552 forbids Pennsylvania’s prosecutors from holding me accountable now for insul...
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    Kadın Kur’an Kursu Öğreticilerinin Erkeklik Algılarına Yönelik Yaklaşımları: Diyarbakır Kent Örneği.Mehmet Ozan Ahnas - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):844-864.
    Sosyal bilimler disiplininde erkeklik, multidisipliner bir alana işaret etmektedir. Erkekliğin hem bilim alanında hem de gündelik yaşamda nelere tekabül ettiğini anlamak için cinsiyete dair fikirlerin pratik zeminlerine bakılmalıdır. Toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmalarında, çoğunlukla kadınların sosyal ezilmişliklerine vurgular yapılmaktadır. Erkeklik çalışmaları tarihsel, kültürel ve toplumsal bir kurgu olarak, eril iktidarın kaynaklarına ışık tutmayı amaçlayan bir çalışma alanıdır. Erkekliğin kültürden ve dinden bağımsız bir olgu olarak düşünülmesi mümkün gözükmemektedir. Kadınlığa dair araştırmaların gelişimi içinde erkeklerin varlığı ihmal edilmektedir. Kadınların ezilmişliği nasıl yaşadığını anlamanın bir (...)
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    Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrası Travmatik Belirtiler, Dini Başa Çıkma ve Psikolojik İyi Oluş İlişkisi.Muharrem Aka - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):956-977.
    Depremler, ani ve beklenmedik doğası ile bireylerin hayatlarını derinden etkileyen travmatik olaylardır. Bu tür olaylar, bireylerde ciddi psikolojik sorunlara yol açabilir. Deprem sonrası travmatik stres bozukluğu en yaygın görülen sorunlardan biridir. Bu bağlamda, bireylerin dini başa çıkma stratejileri kullanarak bu stresle nasıl başa çıktıkları ve bu stratejilerin psikolojik iyi oluşlarına nasıl etki ettiği bu çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın kapsamı, deprem sonrası travmatik belirtilerin şiddetini belirlemek, dini başa çıkma stratejilerinin kullanımını değerlendirmek ve bu stratejilerin psikolojik iyi oluş üzerindeki etkilerini incelemekle (...)
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    Charles Hartshorne’nun Neoklasik Teizminde Kötülük Problemi.Tuncay Akgün - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:25-58.
    Öz Makalemizin konusu insanlığın kadim sorunlarından biri olan kötülük sorununu yirminci yüzyılın önemli filozoflarından biri olan Charles Hartshorne’un neoklasik teizmi çerçevesinde ele almaktır. Kötülük problemi elbette yeni bir problem değildir. Önemli olan ve aradığımız şey ise böylesine eski bir problem karşısında yeni bir şey duymak ya da söylemektir. Tarih boyunca birçok filozof ve teoloğun bu probleme dair ortaya koydukları açıklamalardan farklı olarak Hartshorne’un bizi heyecanlandıran tarafı hem zamanımıza çok yakın bir zamanda yaşaması hem de meseleye oldukça farklı bir bakış açısı (...)
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    İmam Hatip Lisesi Öğrencilerinin Meslek Dersleri Öğretmenlerinin Yeterliklerine Yönelik Tutumları.Fatih Çakmak - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):680-705.
    Araştırmanın amacı İmam Hatip Lisesi (İHL) öğrencilerinin meslek dersleri öğretmenlerinin yeterliklerine yönelik tutumlarını ve bu tutumların cinsiyetlerine, sınıflarına, okullarına, baba mesleklerine, anne mesleklerine, anne-babanın aylık gelirine, Kur’an okuma durumlarına, kitap okuma sıklıklarına, hayatlarının büyük çoğunluğunu geçirdikleri yere göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını tespit edip değerlendirmektir. Araştırma, şu anda İHL’lerde görev yapmakta olan meslek dersleri öğretmenlerine, ilgili yöneticilerine, sorumlu diğer birimlere, ileride İHL’lerde görev yapacak öğretmen adaylarına, bu okullarda görev yapacak öğretmenleri yetiştiren İlahiyat Fakültelerindeki ilgililere ve konuyla ilgili araştırma yapacak akademisyenlere bilimsel katkı (...)
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    İslam Öncesi Dönemden Günümüze: Araplar.Fatih Muhammed Çakmak - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:502-507.
    Çalışmada, Heinz Halm tarafından kaleme alınan; kitabelerden, vakayinamelerden, gazetelerden, sözlü kaynaklardan vesair tarihî kaynaktan yararlanılarak Arap tarihinin anlatıldığı çalışma değerlendirilecektir. “İslam Öncesi Dönemden Günümüze: Araplar” ismiyle Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Araştırma Görevlisi Fahrettin Haliloğlu’nun tercüme ettiği eser, millet varlığı milat öncesi dönemlere uzanan Arapların, tarih boyunca içinden geçtikleri süreçleri ele alma iddiasını taşımaktadır. Bu iddianın varlığı, çalışmanın kritik için seçilmesinin temel nedenini oluşturmaktadır. İslam öncesi dönemden 21. yüzyıla kadar oldukça geniş bir zamanı kapsayan bir çalışmada Arapların tarihinin hangi açılardan ele (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Frazer, and the Apples of Sodom.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus (eds.), Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 339-366.
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  30. 21. Yüzyıl’da Hegel: Dinin Ahlaki Boyutunun Kayboluşuna Dair Görünürlük.Mevlüt Albayrak - 2025 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 41:1-20.
    Hegel’in din ve felsefe üzerine konuşmaları hala canlılığını korumaktadır. 21. Yüzyılda din-felsefe ilişkisi, özellikle dinin çok fazla görünür olmaya başladığı dünyada daha da önemli görünmektedir. Bu çalışma Hegel’in ilk döneminde yazmış olduğu çalışmaları ile Din Felsefesi Dersleri’nin ilki üzerinden dinin politik hayatta görünmesini ve cemaatleşme düşüncesini tanımlamaya çalışacaktır. Günümüzde dini söylemin, söyleyenlerle birlikte çokça görünür olması, insanlık için fazla yargılayıcı gelmemektedir. Bir şekilde insanın var olduğu en küçük yapıda bile, din ya da din benzeri bir kabul ve uygulamaya rastlanmaktadır. Bu (...)
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    Dewey and the Metaphysical Imagination.Thomas Alexander - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (2):203 - 215.
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    el-Met'libü’l-'liye’nin Kayıp Ciltlerinin Peşinde.Eşref Altaş - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):163-175.
    Bu araştırma notu, Râzî’nin el-Metâlibü’l-âliye adlı eserinin, epistemoloji, mantık ve ontoloji kısımlarını içeren ve şimdiye kadar kullanılmayan bir nüshasını ve bu nüshanın içeriğini tanıtmaktadır (Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Fatih 3145). Bununla yazı, Sekkâ neşrinin sebep olduğu el-Metâlibü’l-âliye’nin adı ve kapsamıyla ilgili iki temel yanlışı düzeltmekte ve el-Metâlibü’l-âliye’nin mantık, ontoloji, fizik ve teoloji kısımlarını içeren kuşatıcı bir ansiklopedik eser olduğunu göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır.
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    The Past Is an Appeal.Meryl Altman - 2019 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 30 (1):148-176.
    As the International Simone de Beauvoir Society celebrates the relaunch of Simone de Beauvoir Studies, the author looks back with gratitude to longtime editor Yolanda Patterson and reviews what the journal’s thirty-year history has to tell us about Beauvoir scholarship, past, present, and future. Topics discussed include the history of the Society; engagements with Beauvoir from the perspectives of literary criticism, philosophy, and the social sciences; and controversies over Beauvoir’s character, her response to the Occupation, her relationship to Sartre, and (...)
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  34. Logical machines: Peirce on psychologism.Majid Amini - 2008 - Disputatio 2 (24):335-348.
    This essay discusses Peirce’s appeal to logical machines as an argument against psychologism. It also contends that some of Peirce’s anti-psychologistic remarks on logic contain interesting premonitions arising from his perception of the asymmetry of proof complexity in monadic and relational logical calculi that were only given full formulation and explication in the early twentieth century through Church’s Theorem and Hilbert’s broad-ranging Entscheidungsproblem.
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    Altruísmo, Simpatia e Modelos Evolucionários Na Teoria Ética de Hume.Pedro Fior Mota de Andrade - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45720.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I intend to offer an evolutionary interpretation of the concept of sympathy in Hume’s ethical theory based on the general tenets of contemporary evolutionary ethical theory. By presenting the conceptual frameworks that make up these theories, my argument involves specifying that, for both of them, the psychological mechanism of sympathy seems to figure as an essential evolutionary trait of moral and altruistic behavior in the human species. In the context of evolutionary biology, two evolutionary models have (...)
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    Jean-Baptiste Debret, cronista das Luzes.Lise Andries & Maria das Graças de Souza - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):30-56.
    The aim of this article is to analyse Debret's work Voyage historique et pittoresque au Brésil and show that it is marked by the French Enlightenment. The text is divided into four parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion: the first presents the historical context from which Debret was trained in painting and received the main influences in that art; the second deals with the technical aspects of writing the work; the third touches on the indigenous theme; the fourth (...)
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  37. Logical Disagreement.Frederik J. Andersen & Anandi Hattiangadi - forthcoming - In Filippo Ferrari, Elke Brendel, Massimiliano Carrara, Ole Hjortland, Gil Sagi, Gila Sher & Florian Steinberger (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Logic. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter we explore the topic of logical disagreement. Though disagreement in general has attracted widespread philosophical interest, both in epistemology and philosophy of language, the general issues surrounding disagreement have only rarely been applied to logical disagreement in particular. Here, we develop some of the fascinating semantic and epistemological puzzles to which logical disagreement gives rise. In particular, after distinguishing between different types of logical disagreement, we explore some connections between logical disagreements and deep disagreements over fundamental epistemic (...)
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    The Aftermath of Baby M: Proposed State Laws on Surrogate Motherhood.Lori B. Andrews - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (5):31-40.
    New Jersey's Baby M case has thrust the issue of surrogate motherhood on state legislatures throughout the country. Like artificial insemination in the 1950s and 1960s, this new reproductive technology is evoking legislative responses ranging from horrified prohibition to cautious facilitation.
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  39. Vi (r) ajes.Cristina Pérez Andrés - 1999 - A Parte Rei 5:7.
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    Women in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding in Northern Uganda.Sidonia Angom - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The book analyses the two decades of the brutal civil war of northern Uganda. The author modified Lederach's peacebuilding framework to include peacemaking to bring out the argument that women and men make significant contributions to the peace processes and point out women's position as top leadership actors. The book uncovers the under-emphasised role of women in peacemaking and building. From grassroots to national level, women were found to have organised themselves and assumed roles as advocates, negotiators and mobilisers. The (...)
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  41. Bacon, experimental philosophy and French Enlightenment natural history.Peter R. Anstey - 2018 - In Raphaële Garrod & Paul J. Smith (eds.), Natural History in Early Modern France: The Poetics of an Epistemic Genre. Brill. pp. 205–240.
    This chapter examines Francis Bacon's influence on Buffon's and Diderot's conceptions of natural history.
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  42. The Philosophy of John Locke: New Perspectives.Peter R. Anstey (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of new essays on John Locke's philosophy provides the most up-to-date entrée into the exciting developments taking place in the study of one of the most important contributors to modern thought. Covering Locke's natural philosophy, his political and moral thought and his philosophy of religion, this book brings together the pioneering work of some of the world's leading Locke scholars.
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  43. Reassessing the state : interdependence and power in the world today.Elena Aoun & Pierre Vercuteren - 2018 - In Elena Aoun & Pierre Vercauteren (eds.), The state between interdependence and power in the contemporary world: a reassessment. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
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    An Integrative Habit of Mind: John Henry Newman on the Path to Wisdom.Frederick D. Aquino - 2012 - Northern Illinois University Press.
    Searching for better ways to inspire people to pursue wisdom, Frederick D. Aquino argues that teachers and researchers should focus less on state-of-the-art techniques and learning outcomes and instead pay more attention to the intellectual formation of their students. We should, Aquino contends, encourage the development of an integrative habit of mind, which entails cultivating the capacity to grasp how various pieces of data and areas of inquiry fit together and to understand how to apply this information to new situations. (...)
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    Treatise on Human Nature: The Complete Text (Summa Theologiae I, Questions 75-102).Thomas Aquinas - 2010 - St. Augustine's Press.
    "This is the only free-standing English translation of the entire Treatise on human nature, which includes St. Thomas's account of the metaphysical status of the human soul and its relation to the human organism ; the powers of the soul, especially the higher intellective powers that distinguish humans from other animals ; and, those questions on human origins, the creation of the first man and first woman, and their status as being created in the image of God."--Cover, p. 1.
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  46. Why Call God 'Eternal'?Thomas Aquinas - 2000 - In Brian Davies (ed.), Philosophy of religion: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  47. Why Think of God as Omnipotent?Thomas Aquinas - 2000 - In Brian Davies (ed.), Philosophy of religion: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  48. Armando roa.The Concept of Mental Health 87 - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White (eds.), Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Electrical technoscience and physics in transition, 1880–1920.Stathis Arapostathis & Graeme Gooday - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (2):202-211.
  50. Archaeology and history.C. J. Arnold - 1986 - In John L. Bintliff & Chris F. Gaffney (eds.), Archaeology at the interface: studies in archaeology's relationships with history, geography, biology, and physical science. Oxford, England: B.A.R..
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